Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Contrarian Investing

A contrarion investor thinks different from mass and goes against them. It is helpful when a person is not looking for short term benefit and looking for a long term returns.

Now, let me not just go on and on with investment. There is something called Unconventional thinking which is sort of similar to the contrarian invesment... well not a good comparison but who has control over thoughts.

Actually, few days back I was just having a conversation with a friend about my school atmosphere and the kind of thought process I have adopted since than. We were discussing that a person gets use to a particular way to think from the atmosphere where he has stayed during his teenage and youth years.

So, when a person suddenly while reading contrarian investment gets diverted to unconventional thinking, this itself shows the sign of how I think.....

And yesssss.....
You are right m An Unconventional Thinker

Different from Mass...
Happy to be so :)

1 comment:

Shishir Shah said...

now...i m getting unconventional thots...